1. | 26/03/2025 | Meeting Notice for today, i.e., March 26, 2025 at 5.00 p.m. in the Law Auditorium. |
2. | 25/03/2025 | Invitation to Attend three-day Management Development Program on Universal Human Values |
3. | 24/03/2025 | Registration of Observers in the Observer Pool for deployment in Examination conducted by NTA. |
4. | 13/03/2025 | Advisory regarding Mid Term Examinations. |
5. | 11/03/2025 | Circular to all Chairpersons to attend 72nd Annual Convocation of PU on 12th March, 2025 and be seated by 9.15 a.m. |
6. | 07/03/2025 | Urgent Information submission for IIC |
7. | 07/03/2025 | Requirement of Guest Faculty for Animation and Video Filming |
8. | 05/03/2025 | 72nd Annual Convocation of Panjab University |
9. | 05/03/2025 | 72nd Annual Convocation of Panjab University |
10. | 04/03/2025 | 72nd Annual Convocation of Panjab University |
11. | 04/03/2025 | Anti ragging letter alongwith poster |
12. | 24/02/2025 | To submit a list of appropriate MOOCs separately for VAC and SEC by Departments/Centres/Institutes |
13. | 17/02/2025 | National Summit for Institutional Leaders 2025 |
14. | 14/02/2025 | Invitation for Nominations-Nurturing Future Leadership Program under Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (March 27 to 31, 2025) by IIT, Kanpur. |
15. | 13/02/2025 | To intimate the number of seats of Ph.D. programme for the academic session 2025-2026 in various Faculties. by 04.03.2025. |
16. | 04/02/2025 | Reg. Change of SEC, MDC and VAC in second semester |
17. | 04/02/2025 | Privatization of UT Electricity Deptt |
18. | 24/01/2025 | Revised Circular reg. status of the PPT presentations for CAS promotions |
19. | 23/01/2025 | Circular reg. status of the PPT presentations for CAS promotions |
20. | 23/01/2025 | Reg. Maintenance of Demand and Collection Register. |
21. | 22/01/2025 | Date of 9th National level Inter-University Debate Competition 2024-25. |
22. | 22/01/2025 | National Voters' Day (25th January) 2025 - reg. |
23. | 21/01/2025 | NEP Orientation & Sensitization Programme from 03.02.2025 to 11.02.2025-MMTTC, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab (ONLINE). |
24. | 17/01/2025 | To encourage Participation of Socially/Politically Active Youth in the 14th Annual National Conclave of Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad (Indian Students' Parliament). |
25. | 15/01/2025 | Invitation for Online Faculty Induction Programme (27th January-22nd February, 2025) |
26. | 15/01/2025 | Invitation to Attend the Faculty Development Program on 16th January, 2025. |
27. | 14/01/2025 | Submission of Academic and Industry Expert Contacts for QS Ranking. |
28. | 14/01/2025 | INVITATION ASSOCHAM 2nd Edition of MSMEs Directory 2024-25. |
29. | 13/01/2025 | Nomination of names for ERP Portal Training |
30. | 13/01/2025 | PPT Scrutiny Committees |
31. | 13/01/2025 | Guidlines for the preparation of PPT for CAS promotions |
32. | 10/01/2025 | Public Notice for Internship Program under Poshan Abhiyan |
33. | 10/01/2025 | IGSTC Call 2025 for Applications 2+2 Projects, Bilateral Workshops, WISER, PECFAR and Industrial Fellowships. |
34. | 08/01/2025 | Circular regarding Samarth ERP implementation. |
35. | 27/12/2024 | Revision of Pre-Ph.D Course Work Fee for Registered Ph.D Candidates from the Current Session |
36. | 26/12/2024 | G-20 Talent Visa |
37. | 18/12/2024 | Request for nomination of students for Grant of Scholarship by EdCIL Vidyanjali Foundation, Noida. |
38. | 17/12/2024 | Inforamtion to be submitted for IIC |
39. | 13/12/2024 | Circular - 21.12.2024 (Saturday) will be observed as Working Day |
40. | 10/12/2024 | Circular reg. new guidelines and format of medical certificate being implemented from the academic session 2024-2025 onwards. |
41. | 09/12/2024 | Circular regarding new guidelines and format of medical certificate |
42. | 04/12/2024 | Board of Control for the year 2025 |
43. | 04/12/2024 | Formation of Departmental Committees for the year 2025 |
44. | 02/12/2024 | Circular reg. Shodh-Chakra Portal, a project of INFLIBNET Centre under the guidance of UGC. |
45. | 29/11/2024 | NITI Research Paper |
46. | 26/11/2024 | Invitation : Seminar on Drug Menace to be organized by Western Command (Army). |
47. | 26/11/2024 | Celebration of 'Constitution Day" i.e. on 26thNovember 2024 (Tuesday). |
48. | 25/11/2024 | UGC Chetna online lecture series on Engaged learning in higher education using interactive games. |
49. | 21/11/2024 | 6th Global Cancer Summit-2024 at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India. |
50. | 20/11/2024 | Important Circular to submit information reg. AQAR. |
51. | 19/11/2024 | Generation of ABHA ID under Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM). |
52. | 18/11/2024 | Revised Guidelines w.r.t. processing of Remuneration bills pertining to those examination centres which are not notified by the office of COE. |
53. | 12/11/2024 | Visit of Scientific Officers of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) for OUTREACH PROGRAMME. |
54. | 05/11/2024 | Launch of Handbook on Basics of CYber Hygiene for Higher Education Institutions and Chetna lecture on Busting Digital Arrest by Shri Sanjay Sahay, Ex IPS. |
55. | 05/11/2024 | Uploading of attendance and classes |
56. | 04/11/2024 | Invitation to Free Online Faculty Development Program on Skill-Based Education and Employability Skills by Dr. O.P. Goel. |
57. | 30/10/2024 | Circular reg. duty leave allowed to Faculty members for participation in CHASCON-2024 to be held from November 06 to 08, 2024. |
58. | 28/10/2024 | Circular reg. grant of Menstrual Leave to the girl students of P.U., Chandigarh. |
59. | 24/10/2024 | Reg. appointment of Prof. Tejinder Pal Singh, UBS as SWAYAM Coordinator. |
60. | 24/10/2024 | Reg. U.S. Embassy New Delhi Initiative on Digital Guide on Internationalization. |
61. | 22/10/2024 | Reg. Panjab University Zonal Youth & Heritage Festival-2024-2025, Zone 1 Chandigarh. |
62. | 22/10/2024 | Circular : Information of admitted students for the session 2024-25 |
63. | 22/10/2024 | Step by Step guide for updating information of admitted students in UG and PG portal |
64. | 21/10/2024 | Circular reg. One day attendance be allowed to the students who are registered voters and participated to cast their votes on account of General Elections to Gram Panchayats-2024. |
65. | 16/10/2024 | IRMA Faculty Recruitment Notice by Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA). |
66. | 07/10/2024 | Revised Internship Scheme - Bureau of Indian Standards |
67. | 07/10/2024 | Enclosures - Bureau of Indian Standards |
68. | 07/10/2024 | Consolidated data by institute |
69. | 07/10/2024 | Revised and Final List of Lecture Schedule by Prof. Sachidananda Mohanty |
70. | 04/10/2024 | Final Schedule of Lectures to be delivered by Prof. Sachidananda Mohanty |
71. | 30/09/2024 | ONGC Merit Scholarship for the Year 2024-25. |
72. | 30/09/2024 | Three-day Telemedicine Conference (TELEMEDICON 2024), 28th to 30th November, 2024 by Dept. of Telemedicine, PGIMER, Chandigarh. |
73. | 30/09/2024 | Participation of Young Scholars and Students in National Argumentative Essay Writing Competition for Young Scholars on the Topic-Simultaneous Elections in India : One Nation, One Election. |
74. | 27/09/2024 | Circular |
75. | 25/09/2024 | Extension of last date of admission to UG/PG courses (1st Semester) |
76. | 23/09/2024 | Invitation for Nominations- Online NEP Orientation & Sensitization Programme (01-11 October, 2024) by UGC-MMTTC, NIEPA, New Delhi |
77. | 19/09/2024 | Advisory regarding Mid Semester Test |
78. | 16/09/2024 | One-day special plantation drive on 17th September, 2024. |
79. | 16/09/2024 | Request for Active Participation for planting trees as a tribute to mothers and to promote environmental conservation across the country on 17th September, 2024. |
80. | 13/09/2024 | Regarding National apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS), Dept. of Higher Education, GOI, New Delhi. |
81. | 12/09/2024 | Live streaming of visit of Hon'ble Vice President of India Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar ji to CU Raj. |
82. | 12/09/2024 | Scholarship for Underprivileged Girl Child in India. |
83. | 11/09/2024 | Chetna Lecture Series on Clean Campuses and Cities-Educating for a Greener Tomorrow, on 11.09.2024 at 4.00 p.m. |
84. | 05/09/2024 | Request for participation in mega event 'Empowering India-2024' to be held on 25-26-27 Oct., 2024 at Panjim Convention Centre, Panaji-Goa. |
85. | 05/09/2024 | Nation-wide quiz for undergraduate students - reg by RBI |
86. | 05/09/2024 | MoU signed between AICTE and Youth4Jobs Foundation-reg. |
87. | 05/09/2024 | AIU invites the students to participate in AIU Anveshan-2024. |
88. | 04/09/2024 | Invitation for Chetna Lecture Series on The Intersection of teaching & research: Preparing the next generation to be held on September 05, 2024 at 9.30 a.m. |
89. | 02/09/2024 | Circular reg. Full day attendance will be given to those students who will cast their votes and Teaching work in the Departments shall remain suspended on 05.09.2024. |
90. | 02/09/2024 | Invitation for participation in Robotics Championship 2024. |
91. | 02/09/2024 | Schedule of Lectures to be delivered by Prof. Sachidananda Mohanty, Sri Aurobindo Chair. |
92. | 30/08/2024 | Circular reg. 31.08.2024 will be observed as working day due to PU Campus Students' Elections-2024-25. |
93. | 29/08/2024 | Circular regarding A.C. Joshi Library |
94. | 27/08/2024 | Extension of last date of admission & Revision of dates of late fees |
95. | 27/08/2024 | All India Essay Writing Competition-2024 |
96. | 22/08/2024 | Supply of Annual Audited Report of Departmental Association-Student's Society Fund for the year 2023-24. |
97. | 21/08/2024 | Celebration of National Space Day i.e. on 23rd August, 2024-reg. |
98. | 19/08/2024 | Re: IndiaAI Mission Fellowship for PhD scholars - regarding |
99. | 14/08/2024 | Khwarizmi International Award of the Govt. of Islamic Republic of Iran |
100. | 14/08/2024 | Khwarizmi International Award of the Govt. of Islamic |
101. | 14/08/2024 | AIU Introducing cultural education through SPICMACAY activities |
102. | 14/08/2024 | Notice regarding allocation of space for Research Scholars |
103. | 14/08/2024 | Residential Training Programme |
104. | 13/08/2024 | Revised dates of late fees of University Teaching Department centres and institutes of PU (PG Courses) 1st Semester 2024-25 |
105. | 13/08/2024 | Submit Projects under ICSSR Call for Longitudinal Studies in Social and Human Sciences |
106. | 13/08/2024 | Vidyanjali Scholarship Program |
107. | 12/08/2024 | Circular regarding conduct of Awareness Programs |
108. | 09/08/2024 | Reg. celebrations of Anti-Ragging Day on 12th August, followed by Anti-Ragging Week from 12th to 18th August, 2024. |
109. | 09/08/2024 | Reg. competition for creating a Logo and to frame a Motto to commemorate the Centenary Celebrations of the AIU. |
110. | 09/08/2024 | Monitoring the rationalization of fee from the students covered under Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme (PMS). |
111. | 08/08/2024 | Regarding information to SC and BC students whose category is approved on provisional basis for the session 2024-25 |
112. | 08/08/2024 | iHED Conference 2024:Pathways to internationalisation between Europe and India at Yashobhoomi, Dwarka, New Delhi from 10th-11th October, 2024. |
113. | 08/08/2024 | Instruction to be followed for sending admission list of PG courses |
114. | 08/08/2024 | Interchangeability & Transfer of Seats for the session 2024-2025 |
115. | 06/08/2024 | UGC sponsored 11th 'NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme 'August 20-30, 2024 (through online mode). |
116. | 05/08/2024 | Invitation to Participate in Shiksha Mahakumbh - International Conference on Role of Indian Education System for Global Development from October 4-6, 2024. |
117. | 05/08/2024 | New FDPs by UBIEL (Universal BRIDGE in Education Learning). |
118. | 25/07/2024 | Revised dates of late fees of University Teaching Department centres and institutes of PU (UG Courses) |
119. | 25/07/2024 | Important Notice Reg. PMS Scheme. |
120. | 24/07/2024 | Disseminating information regarding SPIC MACAY programme. |
121. | 22/07/2024 | Invitation for participation in National-Level Research Paper Writing Competition 'Vision for Viksit Bharat' - Regarding |
122. | 19/07/2024 | Circular to conduct at least one activity to observe the Kargil Vijay Diwas and commemorate the sacrifice of our soldiers. |
123. | 19/07/2024 | Revised Admission Schedule for PG courses for the Session 2024-25 |
124. | 19/07/2024 | Extension of last date for submission of fee uptil 26th July, 2024 for students covered under Post Matric Scholarship. |
125. | 16/07/2024 | Circular regarding Queries of candidates with regard to rejection of reserved category/additional seats/weightages for the session 2024-25 |
126. | 16/07/2024 | Circular for faculty members teaching allied subjects. |
127. | 16/07/2024 | Invitation to attend event, "Sapt Sindhu" - Sh. Surjit Patar Yadgari Samagam on July 20, 2024 at 10.00 a.m. in Law Auditorium, Panjab University, Chandigarh. |
128. | 15/07/2024 | Circular reg. New Guidelines being implemented to streamline the application process for medical cases of semester examinations from academic session 2024-2025. |
129. | 12/07/2024 | Circular - Faculty members to be available for atleast 5 hours daily in Univ, College |
130. | 12/07/2024 | Invitation for participation in the workshop on implementation of Multiple Entry & Multiple Exit and Academic Bank of Credit in context of NEP-2020 to be held on July 20, 2024 reg. |
131. | 11/07/2024 | Admission Schedule for PG courses for the Session 2024-25 |
132. | 11/07/2024 | Advisory issued by Secretary, UGC regarding Anti Ragging. |
133. | 11/07/2024 | Circular reg. measures and recommendations outlined by the office of the Director, IQAC to be implemented and complied with in order to improve the rankings of Panjab University. |
134. | 09/07/2024 | Revised Admission Schedule for UG courses for the Session 2024-25 |
135. | 05/07/2024 | Reminder : Efforts for increasing number of admissions for the Academic Session 2024-25. |
136. | 04/07/2024 | Participation for NSPC 2024. |
137. | 02/07/2024 | Scholarship for students pursuing finance-related UG courses, Raman Kant Munjal Scholarships 2024-25. |
138. | 27/06/2024 | Circular for faculty members continuing in service after 60 years |
139. | 27/06/2024 | Admission Schedule for UG Courses for the Session 2024-25. |
140. | 14/06/2024 | Scholarship by Sitaram Jindal Foundation, Bangalore. |
141. | 12/06/2024 | E-Learning Courses on Disaster Risk Reduction, Basic and Thematic Courses by NIDM, Delhi. |
142. | 12/06/2024 | AIU Solh Webinar on Friday, 21-June, 2024 at 1500 hours (IST). |
143. | 07/06/2024 | Reg. Deputation of Faculty Members for NIDM Training Program, Delhi. |
144. | 31/05/2024 | Induction of Research Associates in ICPS, New Delhi. |
145. | 31/05/2024 | Invitation to the international tours for universities professionals in 2024. |
146. | 31/05/2024 | Invitation for the students to participate in the Mahamana Youth Summit 2024. |
147. | 31/05/2024 | Admission Notice 2024-25 |
148. | 30/05/2024 | Nomination for Leadership Development Programme on 'Nurturing Future Leadership Programme, 03-07 June, 2024' - reg. |
149. | 30/05/2024 | National Award to Teachers-2024 to recognize teaching excellence and facilitate outstanding faculty members in higher educational institutions (including polytechnic) by Ministry of Education. |
150. | 22/05/2024 | To provide mobile numbers of two faculty members as well as dealing officials for admission purpose for the session 2024-25 |
151. | 20/05/2024 | To encourage the students to avail their Constitutional Right to Vote and take part in the political process in the General Election-2024. |
152. | 14/05/2024 | Minutes of Meeting of Chairpersons of all Teaching Departments, held on 09.04.2024. |
153. | 14/05/2024 | Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centre organizing symposium on 15th May, 2024 in Golden Jubilee Hall at 9.30 a.m. |
154. | 13/05/2024 | Reg. revision of internal assessment |
155. | 13/05/2024 | National Conference Sponsored by Ministry of Education on June 8-9, 2024. |
156. | 13/05/2024 | NEP Orientation & Sensitization programme from 20.05.2024 to 30.05.2024 at CPDHE (UGC-MMTTC), University of Delhi. |
157. | 09/05/2024 | Circular regarding send the latest admission information and amendments for the session 2024-25 |
158. | 06/05/2024 | For registration reg. teachings by His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama on the Wisdom Chapter of Acharya Shantideva's Bodhicaryavatara. |
159. | 02/05/2024 | V.Imp.: To ensure that existing Technical Institutions take AICTE Approval for their courses for upcoming academic year 2024-2025 which is Mandatory for admitting students for next academic session. |
160. | 23/04/2024 | Notification reg. cancellation of medical examination fee and continuation of medical exams of exit class by COE. |
161. | 22/04/2024 | V.Imp.: To ensure that existing Technical Institutions take AICTE Approval for their courses for upcoming academic year 2024-2025 which is Mandatory for admitting students for next academic session. |
162. | 16/04/2024 | To send recommendations for eminent persons qualified for occupying Mahatma Gandhi Chair. |
163. | 16/04/2024 | Apply for online NEP Orientation & Sensitization Programme at UGC-MMTTC, Panjab University, Chandigarh. |
164. | 16/04/2024 | UGC letter reg. DEEKSHARAMBH-Student Induction Programme. |
165. | 12/04/2024 | Circular reg. IIC Logo to be used on all PU brochures, posters relating to events, programes held in departments. |
166. | 10/04/2024 | Invitation for CME on women's health - One day Workshop on Cardiovascular Health in Women:Strategies for Prevention to be organized by Global Centre for Evidence Synthesis on 4th May, 2024. |
167. | 10/04/2024 | Grant of Menstrual Leave to Girl Students of Panjab University, Chandigarh. |
168. | 09/04/2024 | Regarding Conduct the Extra Classes due to short of attendance for the current semester for the session 2023-24 |
169. | 08/04/2024 | Notice for inviting Quotations (by post or by hand) for publishing of Admission Notice 2024-25 in addition to reminder notice 2024-25 from approved empaneled agencies for DUI's office. |
170. | 02/04/2024 | Publicizing of Courses for the Academic Session 2024-25 |
171. | 26/03/2024 | Reg. to prepare ppt presentation by candidates for appearing CAS interviews |
172. | 22/03/2024 | DUI Nominee for conducting RDC |
173. | 14/03/2024 | To organize events in all Teaching Departments/Centres/Institutes on the Martyrdom day of Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh ji, Shaheed Sukhdev ji and Shaheed Rajguru ji on March 23, 2024. |
174. | 13/03/2024 | Registration open for Media Matters 2024 National Symposium to be organised by EMRC, Puducherry. |
175. | 13/03/2024 | Reg. NIEPA MMTTP programme March 11-20th (Afternoon). |
176. | 07/03/2024 | UMANG Scholarship Program for Girls. |
177. | 05/03/2024 | CPDHE Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, University of Delhi. |
178. | 05/03/2024 | Malviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme. |
179. | 04/03/2024 | Reg. Campaign MERA PAHLA VOTE DESH KE LIYE |
180. | 04/03/2024 | Voter's Activity |
181. | 04/03/2024 | SOP Voter Awareness File |
182. | 28/02/2024 | Webinar on "Digital Service Standards" by Shri Basavaraj Hooli scheduled on 1st March 2024 (Friday) from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM |
183. | 27/02/2024 | NEP Orientation & Sensitization programme from 04.03.2024 to 13.03.2024 - MMTTC, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab (Online). |
184. | 26/02/2024 | Circular reg. information for incorporation in official documentary to be showcased at 71st Annual Convocation. |
185. | 23/02/2024 | NEP Orientation & Sensitization programme from 04.03.2024 to 13.03.2024 - MMTTC, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab (Online). |
186. | 22/02/2024 | Advt. for on the Spot Essay Writing Competition 2024-reg. |
187. | 20/02/2024 | Reg. Candidates whose Ph.D. Viva Voce is pending and can be conducted by 1st March, 2024 can also be awarded degrees at the Convocation. |
188. | 20/02/2024 | Reg. The 71st Annual Convocation of Panjab University to be held on 07.03.2024 (Thursday). |
189. | 20/02/2024 | National Seminar on Disaster Management NSDM-2024. |
190. | 19/02/2024 | To appoint SWAYAM Coordinator by the Chairpersons in all Departrments. |
191. | 15/02/2024 | NEP Orientation & Sensitization progrmme from 19.02.2024 to 28.02.2024 - MMTTC, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab (Online). |
192. | 15/02/2024 | NEP Orientation & Sensitization progrmme from 19.02.2024 to 28.02.2024 - MMTTC, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab (Online). |
193. | 15/02/2024 | NEP Orientation & Sensitization progrmme from 19.02.2024 to 28.02.2024 - MMTTC, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab (Online). |
194. | 15/02/2024 | To create awareness amongst all about sexual harassment to provide a safe and secure environment for women. |
195. | 15/02/2024 | Schedule of Lectures to be delivered by Prof. Sachidananda Mohanty, Sri Aurobindo Chair |
196. | 13/02/2024 | Introduction of Secured Question Paper-Setting Portal. |
197. | 09/02/2024 | Training Programme for Officers to be organized by UGC-Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, Goa University, from 20th of February 2024 to 19th of March 2024 in Hybrid mode. |
198. | 06/02/2024 | Request for Contributing Article for the AGM Special Issue of University News-2024. |
199. | 01/02/2024 | Submission of Applilcations for AICTE Approval |
200. | 31/01/2024 | Invitation for the teachers to participate in 08 Days Online National Programme on NEP Orientation and Sensitization organized by MMTTC of SLBSNSU, New Delhi-reg. |
201. | 31/01/2024 | 4th International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies, 13-16 March, 2024. |
202. | 31/01/2024 | UGC letter regarding: G04 Young Olympiad. |
203. | 29/01/2024 | Request to submit academic plan for current semester by Chairpersons of all Teaching Departments. |
204. | 29/01/2024 | Observance of Silence on 30th January, 2024 (Tuesday) (Martyrs' Day). |
205. | 25/01/2024 | Scheme for writing books originally in Hindi on Economics/Banking/Financial subjects-2022-23-Invitation for Nominations. |
206. | 25/01/2024 | Circular regarding Ph.D. Entrance Test-2024 |
207. | 25/01/2024 | Proposal for enhancing awareness on Sexual Harassment in PU Campus - poster. |
208. | 24/01/2024 | Proposal for enhancing awareness on Sexual Harassment in PU Campus. |
209. | 24/01/2024 | National Voters' Day (25th January, 2024) - reg. |
210. | 23/01/2024 | SEEK-Self Directed Emotional Learning for Empathy and Kindness & YWP for developing social emotional learning skills. |
211. | 19/01/2024 | Request for Active Participation in A Youth for Quality Bharat Mission, an initiaive of QCI-reg. |
212. | 19/01/2024 | Inviting Nominations for UGC Approved Short Term Professional Development Programme: for the faculty of SOUs, DEIs, & HEIs through Online Mode from 05-10 February, 2024. |
213. | 19/01/2024 | Proposal for enhancing awareness on Sexual Harassment in PU Campus. |
214. | 18/01/2024 | Circular regrding PPT presentations for ongoing CAS interviews by candidates. |
215. | 18/01/2024 | Circular regrding PPT presentations for ongoing CAS interviews by candidates. |
216. | 18/01/2024 | Reg. appointment of NEP-2020 Coordinator. |
217. | 18/01/2024 | Circular reg. recommendations for eminent persons qualified for occupying Mahatma Gandhi Chair. |
218. | 15/01/2024 | Circular reg. ongoing CAS interviews. |
219. | 12/01/2024 | Reg. Youth Unite Movement on National Youth Day. |
220. | 12/01/2024 | Reg. Extension of Fit India Week-2023 |
221. | 11/01/2024 | NEP Orientation Program, GNDU |
222. | 05/01/2024 | Performance Evaluation of Temporary/Guest/Part-time faculty |
223. | 03/01/2024 | 8-days Online NEP Orientation & Sensitization Program |
224. | 28/12/2023 | Inviting Nominations for Design & Development of e-Content for Online Learning and Moocs |
225. | 26/12/2023 | NEP Orientation & Sensitization Prog from 02.01.24 to 11.01.24 |
226. | 23/12/2023 | Invitation for Workshop Prog |
227. | 20/12/2023 | Invitation for IFSPD Europe Fellowship 2024 |
228. | 18/12/2023 | Panjab University Online Programme on NEP Orientation & Sensitization |
229. | 15/12/2023 | Circular regarding Student Outreach Strategy |
230. | 15/12/2023 | Circular regarding Scopus Author Profile (Automatically created by SCOPUS |
231. | 14/12/2023 | Ideas for the Vision, Viksit Bharat@2047 |
232. | 13/12/2023 | National Space Science Symposium (26.02.23 to 01.03.23 at Goa University |
233. | 12/12/2023 | Circular regarding removal of ceiling of Rs.2000/- as late fine for submitting Medical Certificates |
234. | 11/12/2023 | Celebration of Mathematics Week from 18th -24th December, 2023 |
235. | 08/12/2023 | Circular regarding Viksit Bharat @2047 Voice of Youth Consultation Programme |
236. | 08/12/2023 | Circular regarding Viksit Bharat @2047 Voice of Youth Consultation Programme |
237. | 07/12/2023 | Information regarding the candidate whether is a student of your Department or not |
238. | 06/12/2023 | Circular regarding Functioning of of IIC |
239. | 04/12/2023 | Award of Stipends to Poor and Derseving Students |
240. | 04/12/2023 | Circular regarding Ph.D. Admissions |
241. | 30/11/2023 | Syndicate Para dated 23.9.23 regarding Ph.D |
242. | 30/11/2023 | 13th Annual National Conclave of Bhartiya Chhatra Sansad |
243. | 29/11/2023 | Security fee for the Students enrolling in Ph.D. |
244. | 29/11/2023 | Reliance Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships 2023-24 |
245. | 28/11/2023 | Knowledge Co-creation Programme (Internatinal Study Tour) |
246. | 21/11/2023 | Day-1 Inaugural Session Schedule (22.11.2023) |
247. | 21/11/2023 | Day-2 Thematic Sessions Schedule (23.11.2023) |
248. | 21/11/2023 | Online NEP Orientation & Sensitization Prog., Delhi University |
249. | 21/11/2023 | Online NEP Orientation & Sensitization Prog., Punjabi University Patiala |
250. | 21/11/2023 | Online NEP Orientation & Sensitization Prog., GNDU |
251. | 21/11/2023 | Updated Schedule for Thematic Session ( Day-2) |
252. | 21/11/2023 | Updated schedule for Inaugural Session (Day-1) |
253. | 20/11/2023 | NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme |
254. | 20/11/2023 | Circular regarding Provisional admission of students of B.Sc (Hons. School) (batch 2022-23) |
255. | 16/11/2023 | Establishment of Electoral Literacy Club in Departments of Panjab University |
256. | 16/11/2023 | 18th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2023 |
257. | 15/11/2023 | International Conference on Development of Punjabi Language |
258. | 15/11/2023 | Regarding Conduct the Extra Classes due to short of attendance for the current semester for the session 2023-24 |
259. | 09/11/2023 | Online Essay Writing Competition |
260. | 08/11/2023 | NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme: 11th to 18th December, 2023 |
261. | 08/11/2023 | 1st International Symposium on Battery Technology: Advances and Future Trends |
262. | 07/11/2023 | Circular regarding nomination for participation in Amrit Kaal Youth Parliament 2023 |
263. | 06/11/2023 | circular - info of candidates persuing 2 academic programme simultaneously |
264. | 03/11/2023 | National Higher Education Qualification Framework |
265. | 02/11/2023 | IIC Logo |
266. | 02/11/2023 | NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme |
267. | 01/11/2023 | Circular regarding appointment of Counsellors/Advisors to counsel the PU students |
268. | 31/10/2023 | Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Young Research Fellowship 2023 |
269. | 25/10/2023 | Participation in the quiz competition on Chandrayaan-3 on 26-27, 2023 |
270. | 25/10/2023 | Circular Reg. Comprehensive Report with regard to academic performance of Guest/Temporary/Part-time Faculty |
271. | 25/10/2023 | Circular REg. Inviting Nominations |
272. | 19/10/2023 | To prepare lists of those students who reside in University hostels by 30.10.2023. |
273. | 19/10/2023 | Circular regarding Winter Training Program 2023 |
274. | 19/10/2023 | Reg: Residential Training Programme on "Digital Transformation through e-Governance |
275. | 17/10/2023 | Launching of "Apna Chandaryaan" on 27.10.23 at 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm |
276. | 17/10/2023 | UGC Circular regarding launching of "Apna Chandrayaan" Poral |
277. | 12/10/2023 | Panjab University Foundation Day Lecture on Oct.14, 23 |
278. | 10/10/2023 | October 14, 2023 has been declared working day in PU teaching departments |
279. | 03/10/2023 | Circular : No of Students admitted Session 2023-24 |
280. | 28/09/2023 | Department to be functional on 30.09.2023 for completion of admission process. |
281. | 28/09/2023 | Circular regarding FDP: Introduction to Universal Human Values |
282. | 25/09/2023 | Circular regarding G-20 University Connect Event on 26.09.23 |
283. | 25/09/2023 | Extension of last date of admission for UG and PG Courses |
284. | 20/09/2023 | Circular - UGC approved and HRDC equivalent Short Term Professional Devl Programme on NEP 2020 |
285. | 20/09/2023 | Knowledge Co-creation Programme (lnternational Study Tour) -Call For Nominations |
286. | 20/09/2023 | Circular - UGC letter regarding lauch of Malaviya Mission - Teacher Training Programm |
287. | 20/09/2023 | Circular - Regarding Hindi Diwas |
288. | 20/09/2023 | Call for Papers - ICSD 2023 Montclair, USA |
289. | 12/09/2023 | RBI Policy Challenge 2023: A National Level Competition for Undergraduate/Postgraduate students |
290. | 12/09/2023 | National Teachers Award 2023 Inspirational Video on social media |
291. | 12/09/2023 | Regarding registration for 12 Online Yoga Credit Courses developed by S-VYASA, Banglore during Semester July, 2023 |
292. | 12/09/2023 | Circular regarding Reservation for Ph.D Admission from the session 2023-2024 |
293. | 06/09/2023 | Registration for Participation Youth Parliament at Karnavati University |
294. | 06/09/2023 | IGNOU STRIDE EMPC UGC Approved & UGC HRDC Six-day Short Term Professional Development Programme - NEP 2020 |
295. | 06/09/2023 | Regarding extra Classes for the session 2023-24 |
296. | 05/09/2023 | Uploading Data for AQAR/Annual Report/Ranking |
297. | 05/09/2023 | PU Guidelines for Pursuing Two Academic Programmes / Dual Degree Simultaneously |
298. | 04/09/2023 | NEP circular |
299. | 04/09/2023 | Regarding request to initiate at least two MOU's |
300. | 04/09/2023 | Circular regarding the attendance of the students on 6.09.2023 |
301. | 01/09/2023 | Maintainence of Computer/printers etc. |
302. | 01/09/2023 | Regarding issuance of students ID Card |
303. | 31/08/2023 | UGC approved and HRDC equivalent Short Term Professional Development Programme on NEP 2020. |
304. | 31/08/2023 | Information to all Chairpersons, Directors, Coordinators, Wardens, Branch Heads etc. regarding ICC |
305. | 31/08/2023 | Gate Timings of Gate No1 (PGI side) on 06.09.2023 |
306. | 31/08/2023 | Regarding the working day on 2.09.2023 in all PU Teaching Deptts & DSW's office, PU Chandigarh |
307. | 30/08/2023 | Extension of last date of admission for UG and PG Courses |
308. | 29/08/2023 | Short term professional development prog - 04-11.10.2023 |
309. | 29/08/2023 | Short term plan 9-14.10.23 - IGNOU |
310. | 29/08/2023 | A.C. Joshi Library will remain closed from 6.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. on 06.09.2023. |
311. | 28/08/2023 | Participation of students in - Essay & Elocution Contest on 11.09.2023 (9 am to 1 pm). |
312. | 25/08/2023 | UGC approved and HRDC equivalent Short Term Professional Dev. Programme on NEP-2020. |
313. | 25/08/2023 | To submit Academic Plan for organizing conferences, workshops, seminars, etc. for coming session. |
314. | 22/08/2023 | GoI's Grant of Assistance for activities in the cause of National Integration. |
315. | 21/08/2023 | Offline Admission Form for the Session 2023-2024 |
316. | 21/08/2023 | Inviting Offline Admission form against the vacant seats for 2023-24 |
317. | 18/08/2023 | Distribution of seats as per the Reservation policy. |
318. | 18/08/2023 | Vice Chancellor's meet with Chairpersons of All departments and Co-ordinators and Co-coordinators (MOCK Teams) |
319. | 17/08/2023 | Extension of last date for fees submission for ongoing students |
320. | 17/08/2023 | Meeting Notice regarding meeting of All Chairpersons to be held on August 21, 2023 at 3.30 p.m. in Senate Hall, P.U., Chandiagarh. |
321. | 17/08/2023 | Names of two faculty members teaching in Universities/Institutes outside India willing to deliver online lectures to students of respective departments. |
322. | 14/08/2023 | Har Ghar Tiranga Programme under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) - Reg. |
323. | 14/08/2023 | Distribution of seats as per the Reservation policy in PH.D |
324. | 14/08/2023 | Expression of gratitude to all Panjab University Teaching, Non-Teaching staff and Students on securing an A++ accreditation in NAAC Ranking. |
325. | 11/08/2023 | Letters from DCLA, Chandigarh Admn. reg. benefit under CAS and Promotion of Teachers under CAS. |
326. | 11/08/2023 | A clip of address of Prof. Arun Grover, ex-VC in PU Campus dt. July 21, 2023 on the occasion of the release of a book. |
327. | 11/08/2023 | USOL re-designated as CDOE |
328. | 10/08/2023 | Circular regarding differently abled persons be treated with utmost courtesy and given all relevant help |
329. | 08/08/2023 | Ph.D admissions for the session 2023.24 |
330. | 08/08/2023 | Implementation of Second round of sports trials for admission under 5% reserved category of sports 2023. |
331. | 07/08/2023 | Extension of last date for fee submission for ongoing students |
332. | 07/08/2023 | Reg. expressing gratitude to all Faculty members for their support and hard work during NAAC Interaction |
333. | 04/08/2023 | Submission of offline admission form for the Students of Manipur State |
334. | 03/08/2023 | Revision of dates of Late fees |
335. | 03/08/2023 | Interchangeability & Transfer of Seats for the session 2023-2024 |
336. | 01/08/2023 | Implementation of Reservation Policy in Admissions and Hostel Allotment |
337. | 01/08/2023 | NAAC Visit 2-4 August 2023 Reg.- Opening of departments, cleanliness and wearing of ID cards by faculty and staf |
338. | 31/07/2023 | Exit Proforma to be filled up by final semester students. |
339. | 28/07/2023 | Reg. teaching on 29 July 2023 |
340. | 28/07/2023 | Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam (ABSS) - Joining the live Webcast. |
341. | 27/07/2023 | Reg. revised dates in Academic Calendar 2023-2024. |
342. | 25/07/2023 | The file/s to send the General Branch which needs to be placed before the Syndicate. |
343. | 24/07/2023 | Reg. Notice Boards and signboards. |
344. | 24/07/2023 | Reg NAAC Mock Teams visit. |
345. | 21/07/2023 | Reg. - no leave of any kind be granted to any teaching and non-teaching staff of the University on 2nd, 3rd and 4th August 2023 |
346. | 21/07/2023 | Instruction to be followed for sending admission list of UG/PG |
347. | 20/07/2023 | Reg. DHE short video competition before commemoration of Third Anniversary of NEP-2020. |
348. | 20/07/2023 | Student Grievances Redressal Committee (SGRC). |
349. | 20/07/2023 | Inviting Nominations for UGC-approved and HRDC-equivalent Short Term Professional Dev. Programme on NEP-2020 (19th-26th July, 2023). |
350. | 19/07/2023 | Reg. Nomination for National Award to Teachers. |
351. | 17/07/2023 | Reg. HIV/AIDS awareness for students. |
352. | 14/07/2023 | Admission Schedule PG courses 2023-24 |
353. | 14/07/2023 | Information regarding PUCASH. |
354. | 12/07/2023 | Reg. list of infrastructure and furniture damaged/destroyted in heavy rainfall and needs urgent replacement/repair |
355. | 12/07/2023 | Re-revised Admission Schedule for UG courses |
356. | 11/07/2023 | Notification of Postponement |
357. | 10/07/2023 | Postponement of examinations, counselling, sports trails etc scheduled on 10th & 11th July 2023 |
358. | 05/07/2023 | National Student Paryavaran Competition (NSPC) - 2023. |
359. | 04/07/2023 | Revised Admission Schedule for UG Courses for the Session 2023-24. |
360. | 04/07/2023 | Copy/Extract of Paragraph Gen. Disc(9) from the minutes of the meeting of Syndicate held on 23.04.2023. |
361. | 04/07/2023 | Copy/Extract of Paragraph Gen. Disc(8) from the minutes of the meeting of Syndicate held on 23.04.2023. |
362. | 03/07/2023 | National Higher Education Qualifications Framework (NHEQF), UGC, New Delhi. |
363. | 03/07/2023 | Circular reg. NAAC team visit PU from August 02-04, 2023. |
364. | 27/06/2023 | Reminder: Efforts for Increasing numnber of admissions for the Academic Session 2023-2024 |
365. | 26/06/2023 | Extension of last date of online admission form for UG courses |
366. | 23/06/2023 | Reg. upcoming NAAC visit |
367. | 23/06/2023 | Observance of 26 June 2023 as International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking - reg. |
368. | 22/06/2023 | Information regg. G-20 events held at P.U. |
369. | 19/06/2023 | "Jan Bhagidari" events during India's G20 Presidency. |
370. | 19/06/2023 | 8-Day Faculty Development Program on UHV, from July 12-19, 2023. |
371. | 19/06/2023 | KAPILA-Funding opportunity for Patents |
372. | 19/06/2023 | Circular |
373. | 16/06/2023 | Reg. training UPskilling and placement support to candidates with Divyang Candidates. |
374. | 16/06/2023 | "Jan Bhagidari" events during India's G20 Presidency. |
375. | 16/06/2023 | Invite for One Week One Lab event in IMTECH, Chandigarh, from June 19-24, 2023. |
376. | 16/06/2023 | Circular Regarding submission of Medical Certificates |
377. | 15/06/2023 | Updation of Mobile and E-mail Numbers of Life Members of ISTE. |
378. | 15/06/2023 | To encourage new students to seek admission in Panjab University |
379. | 14/06/2023 | Efforts for Increasing numnber of admissions for the Academic Session 2023-2024 |
380. | 07/06/2023 | UGC approved and HRDC equivalent Short Term Professional Dev. Programme on NEP-2020 & HE: Interactive Digital Pedagogy from June 13-20, 2023. |
381. | 05/06/2023 | Reg. University students to carry I-Cards at all times |
382. | 05/06/2023 | Invitation - Panel Discussion on Sustainable and Resilient Cities from 4-6 p.m. on June 07, 2023. |
383. | 02/06/2023 | Information of admitted students course-wise (fresh and ongoing) for the session 2022-23 |
384. | 01/06/2023 | Admission Notice 2023-24 |
385. | 01/06/2023 | Reg. scheduling of UG and PG examination to be held on 31.5.2023, but postponed due to administrative reasons |
386. | 31/05/2023 | SAMVAD - a live interaction session of Chairman, UGC with stakeholders |
387. | 30/05/2023 | Circular Regarding use of Diary/Dispatch module from June 01, 2023 |
388. | 29/05/2023 | Funding opportunities for Startups | CHUNAUTI 5.0 Call for application|STP |
389. | 24/05/2023 | UGC letter reg. initiatives to make India Net Zero (Carbon Neutral). |
390. | 24/05/2023 | data of students of Goa and Andhra Pradesh for the session 2022-23 |
391. | 19/05/2023 | Reg. Ph.D. admission of BITS Pilani. |
392. | 18/05/2023 | Interaction with Dr. Sudha Murty, Padma Bhushan Awardee on 19th May, 2023. |
393. | 18/05/2023 | Reg. Condonation of five working days lectures due to high security alert in Pb & Chd. in the month of March, 2023. |
394. | 18/05/2023 | Award of Degrees to M.Phil/M.A. students who passed their courses before 2021-22. |
395. | 18/05/2023 | Conversation with Dr. Sudha Murty, Padma Bhushan Awardee on May 19, 2023 from 4.30-6.00 p.m. in Dr. SSBUICET), P.U., Chandigarh. |
396. | 15/05/2023 | Copy/Extract of Paragrah 16 from the minutes of meeting of Syndiate, held on 23.04.2023 |
397. | 10/05/2023 | Reg. organisation of the Youth Parliament Stage! Lifestyle for Environment (LIFE) and Youth Parliament. |
398. | 10/05/2023 | Admissions for Ph.D. Academic Session 2023-24 at MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj. |
399. | 09/05/2023 | IGNOU-STRIDE UGC-Approved Short-Term Professional Development Programme on NEP-2020, May 22-27, 2023. |
400. | 09/05/2023 | Two National Training Programmes on NEP-2020, sponsored by MoE, GoI and approved by IGNOU. |
401. | 08/05/2023 | Chairman, UGC holding an Interactive session on UGC(Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations, 2023 on 9 May, 2023 at 03.30 p.m. |
402. | 03/05/2023 | Reg. NOC to students willing to participate in Debate-Group discussion organized by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, GoI.. |
403. | 28/04/2023 | Circular reg. to encourage students to engage in academic collaboration with FHEI that offer Twinning, Joint Degree. and Dual Degree Programmes. |
404. | 26/04/2023 | Teaching in mother tongue/local languages in the Higher Education Institutions. |
405. | 26/04/2023 | Action Plan for Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav - reg. |
406. | 24/04/2023 | Inviting Articles for NCRB Journal. |
407. | 18/04/2023 | Internship Notice for June-December, 2023 session - latest technologies and practices in the field of road safety and traffic research. |
408. | 18/04/2023 | Circular- Shortage of Lectures |
409. | 18/04/2023 | To provide mobile numbers of two faculty members as well as dealing officials for admission purpose. |
410. | 12/04/2023 | Reg. PPT opresentation in CAS Interviews |
411. | 12/04/2023 | Reg. inviting quotations for admissions notice 2023-2024 |
412. | 10/04/2023 | Regarding admissions for 2023-24 |
413. | 10/04/2023 | Regarding on-going CAS interviews |
414. | 06/04/2023 | Reg. NEP-2020 implementation in Panjab University, Chandigarh. |
415. | 03/04/2023 | Regarding developing of No Gifts culture on Campus |
416. | 31/03/2023 | Circular Regarding appointment of Coordinator/Co-cordinator, UHV Cell |
417. | 28/03/2023 | Circular regarding Research Papers/Articles in Journal |
418. | 28/03/2023 | Circular regarding UGC Online Lecture Series |
419. | 28/03/2023 | Circular regarding PG Internship |
420. | 28/03/2023 | Circular regarding UG/PG Internship |
421. | 24/03/2023 | Circular regarding admission 2023, IIT Madras |
422. | 17/03/2023 | Participants registration date is extended upto 20.03.2023 |
423. | 14/03/2023 | Faculty Development Programme 14-18 April, 2023 |
424. | 09/03/2023 | Circular regarding Inter College Debate Competition 2023 |
425. | 03/03/2023 | Calendar of Activities |
426. | 03/03/2023 | PU G20-List of Speakers |
427. | 02/03/2023 | G20 Programme Schedule |
428. | 24/02/2023 | Cultural program on the occasion of AIl India Police Band Competition |
429. | 20/02/2023 | short term faculty secondment to AIT, bangkok |
430. | 15/02/2023 | Invitation for PU G20 Youth International Seminar on March 4, 2023 |
431. | 15/02/2023 | Brochure PU G20 Activities |
432. | 14/02/2023 | Ph.D Entrance Test Data - 2023 |
433. | 10/02/2023 | Circular regarding Indian National Young Academy of Science (INYAS) |
434. | 10/02/2023 | Regarding Condonation of Shortage of lectures |
435. | 10/02/2023 | Circular- Regarding Condonation of Shortage of lectures |
436. | 03/02/2023 | CSIR is looking for Director, CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML), Jamshedpur and CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (CSIR-NIO), Goa |
437. | 24/01/2023 | Cacellation of Circular dated 20.01.2023 regarding UGC Guidelines for Minimum Standards and Procedures for award of Ph.D. 2022 |
438. | 24/01/2023 | AIU-DAAD Conference on Internationalization of Higher Education from 01-3 March, 2023 |
439. | 24/01/2023 | UGC Swayam Courses for January Semester 2023 |
440. | 23/01/2023 | Minimum standards and Procedures for the award of PhD Degree |
441. | 23/01/2023 | National Voters Day (January 25, 2023) |
443. | 17/01/2023 | Schedule |
444. | 17/01/2023 | Circular Rgarding Registration for PDP (NEP-2020) |
445. | 10/01/2023 | Circular regarding Higher Education Scholarship Test 2023 |
446. | 06/01/2023 | Circular regarding Ph.D. Prog IIM Tiruchirappalli |
447. | 21/12/2022 | Programme Brochure - Professional Development Programme on Implementation of NEP-2020 for University and College Teachers |
448. | 16/12/2022 | Board of Control 2023 |
449. | 16/12/2022 | Formation of Departmental Committee for the year 2023 |
450. | 12/12/2022 | 8th Edition of International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living |
451. | 02/12/2022 | Inviting Nominations for International Workshop on Design & Development of SLMs |
452. | 02/12/2022 | Circular regarding NIRF Ranking |
453. | 30/11/2022 | Circular regarding participation in AIU Survey |
454. | 29/11/2022 | Registration of HEIs on FIT India Portal |
455. | 25/11/2022 | Manipal Hackathon 2022 Invitation |
456. | 25/11/2022 | Circular regarding Scholarship |
457. | 25/11/2022 | Invitation for National Training Program |
458. | 21/11/2022 | Circular regarding AIU collaboration with CII-3rd Global Education Conclave |
459. | 18/11/2022 | Application for the Experts regarding confidential work |
460. | 18/11/2022 | Celebration of Constitution Day on Nov.26, 2022 |
461. | 15/11/2022 | Announcement of HECA Scholarship 2022-23 for eligible students |
462. | 10/11/2022 | Celebration of 'Janjatiya Gaurav Diwas" |
463. | 07/11/2022 | CLPR Centre for Law & policy Research |
464. | 05/11/2022 | Revised circular of extension of various dates |
465. | 04/11/2022 | Inviting articles for NCRB Journal |
466. | 03/11/2022 | Suspension of Teaching on 04.11.2022 |
467. | 02/11/2022 | Mahina November 2022 Nu Punjabi Mahiney Vajon Manaon Sambandhi |
468. | 20/10/2022 | Special Lecture on 21 October 2022 at 11.00 Sanskrit Deptt |
469. | 17/10/2022 | UGC Guidelines for HEI to offer Apprenticeship_Internship Embedded Degree Programme |
470. | 17/10/2022 | Waris Shah Heer Singing Competition |
471. | 17/10/2022 | Names of Faculty members to take up assignment as Observers_Centre Inspectors etc |
472. | 17/10/2022 | Observance of Vigilence Awareness Week 2022 |
473. | 03/10/2022 | UGC Guidelines on Safety of Students on and Off Campuses of Higher Educational Institutions |
474. | 03/10/2022 | Vigilence Awareness Week |
475. | 29/09/2022 | Special chance to the students of B.Sc and M.Sc (HS) to clear the backlog |
476. | 27/09/2022 | 2023 ELITE Scholarship Programme |
477. | 22/09/2022 | Invitation for Participation at a Consultative Seminar |
478. | 22/09/2022 | Acceptance of Degree, Marksheets etc presented through DigiLocker Platform |
479. | 15/09/2022 | Instruction to be followed for sending admission list |
480. | 14/09/2022 | AIU Webinar 'TechSaksham' |
481. | 14/09/2022 | Webinar on "Holistic options for Internationalization |
482. | 13/09/2022 | Poster - Alumni Meet 2022 |
483. | 12/09/2022 | Revised dates of late fees of University Teaching Department centres and institutes of PU |
484. | 09/09/2022 | Participation in National Youth Conference |
485. | 09/09/2022 | 12th National Conclave of Bhartiya Chhatra Sansad |
486. | 08/09/2022 | UGC approved Free online Professional Development Programme on Implementation of NEP-2020 (NEP-PDP) |
487. | 07/09/2022 | Brochure of IIT Roorkee |
488. | 07/09/2022 | National Essay writing competition |
489. | 07/09/2022 | UGC letter regarding Shikshak Parv 2022: National Level Online Panel Discussion (5th-9th September 2022) |
490. | 05/09/2022 | In continuation of Circular regarding Teachers' Day Celebration |
491. | 03/09/2022 | UGC Circular regarding Shikshak Parv (Teachers' Day) |
492. | 03/09/2022 | Registration for free online 6-days NEP Professional Development Programme |
493. | 03/09/2022 | Nashamukti Oath |
494. | 03/09/2022 | Circular regarding Nashamukti Oath on Teachers' Day |
495. | 01/09/2022 | Online Lecture Series Sept.1, 2022 at 10.00 am |
496. | 31/08/2022 | Award for blind students holding 1st/2nd position in Master's Degree |
497. | 31/08/2022 | Joint Admission test for Masters (JAM) |
498. | 30/08/2022 | Admission Schedule for PG Courses for the session 2022-2023 |
499. | 25/08/2022 | To commemorate Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav by the State Universities |
500. | 25/08/2022 | Sony Research Award Program 2022 |
501. | 24/08/2022 | CHASCON - 2022 |
502. | 18/08/2022 | Extension of last date of online admission form for PG courses |
503. | 17/08/2022 | Maintenance of stock register regarding usage of acid. |
504. | 16/08/2022 | Circular - reg. sending data to IQAC Cell |
505. | 10/08/2022 | Partition Horrors Rememberance Day |
506. | 10/08/2022 | Launch of "UGC e-resources Portal" |
507. | 08/08/2022 | Reminder-2 Regarding efforts for increasing number of admissions for the session 2022-2023 |
508. | 05/08/2022 | State/UT Community-wise Physical Allocation of Scholarships |
509. | 03/08/2022 | Faculty-wise Schedule of meeting with the Vice Chancellor |
510. | 02/08/2022 | Urgent Meeting on 02.8.2022 at 4.00 p.m. |
511. | 01/08/2022 | Ajadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav |
512. | 28/07/2022 | L.R. Mundra Memorial Scholarship 2022-23 |
513. | 27/07/2022 | Circular Regarding Uploading bio-data on PU Website |
514. | 26/07/2022 | Circular regarding Empanelement of Professors in Indian Studies |
515. | 26/07/2022 | UGC Online meeting regarding National Higher Education Qualifications Framework |
516. | 26/07/2022 | Har-Ghar Tiranga Programme |
517. | 22/07/2022 | Extension of last date of online admission form for PG courses |
518. | 20/07/2022 | Revised Admission Schedule - UG courses 2022-23 |
519. | 20/07/2022 | In continuation of earlier Circular regarding Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav --Essay Competion and Symposium on 7th Aug. 2022 |
520. | 20/07/2022 | IET India Scholarship Award 2022 |
521. | 19/07/2022 | Circular regarding UGC Guidelines for promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in HEI |
522. | 15/07/2022 | Revised Admission Schedule for UG Courses for the Session 2022-2023 |
523. | 15/07/2022 | Participation of students in - Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav |
524. | 14/07/2022 | Circular regarding Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavna Award |
525. | 08/07/2022 | Ph.D Seats - Reminder |
526. | 07/07/2022 | Circular regarding External Examiners. |
527. | 07/07/2022 | Circular efforts for increasing number of admisison for the academic session 2022-202 |
528. | 06/07/2022 | Circular inviting proposals from students |
529. | 05/07/2022 | Circular regarding Akhil Bhartiya Siksha Samagam |
530. | 29/06/2022 | List of activities for NAAC Prepation |
531. | 29/06/2022 | Circular - Shortage of lectures |
532. | 28/06/2022 | NAAC Student's feedback |
533. | 26/06/2022 | Admission Notice 2022-23 |
534. | 23/06/2022 | Faculty wise Schedule of interaction with the Vice Chancellor |
535. | 23/06/2022 | Circular regarding Credit Framework for online learning courses |
536. | 21/06/2022 | Circular regarding Ph.D. Entrance Test 2022 |
537. | 21/06/2022 | Regarding Number of seats |
538. | 21/06/2022 | Efforts for increasing number of admission |
539. | 21/06/2022 | Cyber internship form |
540. | 21/06/2022 | National Quiz on Financial Sector |
541. | 15/06/2022 | Circular Regarding Nomination for Senior Expert Counsellors |
542. | 15/06/2022 | Sample format |
543. | 13/06/2022 | Circular regarding shortage of attendance |
544. | 09/06/2022 | Observance of 26th June 2022 as International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficing |
545. | 01/06/2022 | To increase number of applicants for various courses for the session 2022-23 |
546. | 31/05/2022 | Vice Chancellor's Address today 31.05.2022 at 04.00 p.m.Senate Hall |
547. | 11/05/2022 | 13th Asian Criminology Conference |
548. | 11/05/2022 | Circular regarding admissions |
549. | 11/05/2022 | Circular regarding Refreshing Course |
550. | 02/05/2022 | Franco Indian Campus Initiative |
551. | 02/05/2022 | Internship opportunites for students |
552. | 02/05/2022 | UGC lecture serioes on academic best practices |
553. | 02/05/2022 | Invite for participation |
554. | 02/05/2022 | Circular regarding nomination for gold medal |
555. | 02/05/2022 | Invitation for 12 days capacity building program |
556. | 02/05/2022 | Circular regarding Rewinding of fans etc. |
557. | 02/05/2022 | Invitation for Nominations |
558. | 02/05/2022 | For finalization of Ph.D. guidelines pertaining to Arts & Social Sciences Deptts |
559. | 21/04/2022 | Framework for implementation of NEP-2020 |
560. | 21/04/2022 | Regarding Students' protests |
561. | 20/04/2022 | Enrolment of students in Cyber Swachhta YUVA Club |
562. | 20/04/2022 | Circular regarding 17th National Seminar by NSS |
563. | 12/04/2022 | Circular-condonation of lectures |
564. | 08/04/2022 | Circular regarding maintenance of stock register |
565. | 06/04/2022 | Circular regarding panel of examiners |
566. | 31/03/2022 | Pariksha Pe Charcha 2022 |
567. | 31/03/2022 | Plantation activities by various stakeholders as directed by Hon'ble Union Home Minister, Govt. of India |
568. | 31/03/2022 | Short Term Indian Faculty Secondment Progm |
569. | 22/03/2022 | Reminder-2 Handbook of Information for the session 2022 |
570. | 14/03/2022 | Circular regarding empanelment in AIU Consultancy Services |
571. | 14/03/2022 | Circular regargarding technical textbook award 2021 |
572. | 14/03/2022 | Scholarship for girls from North EasternStates |
573. | 11/03/2022 | To invite feedback and suggestions reg. draft guidelines for transforming higher education institutions into multidisciplinary. |
574. | 10/03/2022 | Fellowship opportunity for students |
575. | 10/03/2022 | Guidelines regarding procurement of specialized equipments for research purposes |
576. | 10/03/2022 | Guidelines regarding procurement of specialized equipments for research purposes |
577. | 10/03/2022 | Circular regarding submission of Ph.D. thesis |
578. | 03/03/2022 | Regarding Internet Allowance |
579. | 02/03/2022 | Circular Regarding Reopening of University |
580. | 28/02/2022 | Reminder- Handbook of Information for the session 2022 |
581. | 24/02/2022 | Anti Drug E pledge - reg. |
582. | 21/02/2022 | Ph.D & M.Phil schedule - Revised |
583. | 15/02/2022 | Annual Essay Prize Competition & members Annual Conference |
584. | 15/02/2022 | Matri Basha Diwas |
585. | 11/02/2022 | Last date of submission of applications for M.Phil & Ph.D extended |
586. | 09/02/2022 | Circular regarding M.phil and Ph.D Admission for the session 2021-22 |
587. | 09/02/2022 | Regarding Covid-19 vaccination to students |
588. | 08/02/2022 | Circular Regarding functioning of University in physical mode |
589. | 07/02/2022 | Circular for Nominations for Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize |
590. | 07/02/2022 | Pariksha pe Charcha |
591. | 25/01/2022 | Admission Form for M.Phil for the session 2021-22 |
592. | 25/01/2022 | M.phil / Ph.D Admission Schedule |
593. | 14/01/2022 | Providing of information for Annual Event Calendar 2022. |
594. | 12/01/2022 | Minutes of meeting in light of guidelines issued by Chandigarh Administration, held on January 12, 2022. |
595. | 11/01/2022 | Regarding internet/online allowance. |
596. | 11/01/2022 | Haryana State Commission for Protection of Child Rights is offering internship opportunities for interested individuals. |
597. | 11/01/2022 | On the Spot Essay Writing Competition-2022 for PG students of Statistics. |
598. | 04/01/2022 | Circular regarding National Collegium of Assessors |
599. | 27/12/2021 | UGC-SATAT initiative. |
600. | 27/12/2021 | Formation of Departmental Committees for the year 2022 |
601. | 27/12/2021 | Board of Control for the year 2022 |
602. | 27/12/2021 | Circular regarding Vidyanjali Initiative |
603. | 15/12/2021 | Circular regarding shortage of attendance for odd semester |
604. | 14/12/2021 | Nominations for fifth Training Course for GLP Inspectors, February-2022. |
605. | 13/12/2021 | Reminder-I Data of students admitted (1st Semester) for the Session 2021-22 |
606. | 09/12/2021 | Circular Regarding Vidyanjali Program |
607. | 02/12/2021 | Circular to provide contact details to IQAC |
608. | 01/12/2021 | Global FinTech event "Infinity Forum" on December 3 and 4, 2021 in virtual mode. |
609. | 01/12/2021 | New Delhi World Book Fair- January 8-16, 2022. |
610. | 30/11/2021 | Regarding participation in a completion "Know your Rivers" |
611. | 26/11/2021 | Reg. Nadi Ko Jano-Know your Rivers, e-mail received from UGC (through AISHE). |
612. | 25/11/2021 | Celebration of Constitution Day on 26th Nov., 2021. |
613. | 24/11/2021 | Requirement of action taken report for SSR, NAAC. |
614. | 23/11/2021 | No of students admitted 2021-22 - CIRCULAR |
615. | 22/11/2021 | INSA Medal for Young Scientists (2022). |
616. | 18/11/2021 | Requirement of action taken report for SSR, NAAC. |
617. | 18/11/2021 | Summary of meeting of all Chairpersons dated 31.08.2021. |
618. | 18/11/2021 | ADDENDUM - regarding extension of last date |
619. | 12/11/2021 | QualitatQualitative Questions pertaining to PU governance & Best practices |
620. | 12/11/2021 | Data & supporting documents for submission to NAAC |
621. | 12/11/2021 | Admission date extended |
622. | 11/11/2021 | Circular regarding Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls |
623. | 10/11/2021 | To apply online on National Scholarship Portal under Merit-cum-Means based scholarship Scheme by minority communities students of professional and technical courses for the session 2021-2022. |
624. | 09/11/2021 | Circular regarding Name of Experts for NCTE |
625. | 25/10/2021 | Circular regarding Sir C.V. Raman Young Scientist Award 2021 |
626. | 08/10/2021 | Circular regarding nominations for awards |
627. | 05/10/2021 | Circular Regarding Foreign Language Teaching Fellowship |
628. | 01/10/2021 | Circular regarding submission of Research Paper |
629. | 21/09/2021 | Webinar on Good Governance |
630. | 15/09/2021 | Supply of Annual Aduit Report |
631. | 15/09/2021 | Regarding Internship |
632. | 14/09/2021 | Regarding scholarship |
633. | 14/09/2021 | Webinar by AIU and Swadeshi Shodh Sansthan |
634. | 09/09/2021 | Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration |
635. | 09/09/2021 | Regarding award for blind students (PG) |
636. | 09/09/2021 | Award for blind students (M.Phil) |
637. | 09/09/2021 | Regarding Inpire Faculty Fellowship |
638. | 07/09/2021 | Application for minor and major research-MGNCRE |
639. | 03/09/2021 | Reg Preparation of Merit |
640. | 03/09/2021 | Instruction for admission list - PG courses |
641. | 02/09/2021 | Fee Migration Form |
642. | 01/09/2021 | Regarding New panel of Experts |
643. | 01/09/2021 | Revsied Admission schedule for PG courses 2021-22 |
644. | 24/08/2021 | AIU Introduces New Schemes for Member Universities |
645. | 23/08/2021 | Extension of last ate for applying for PG Courses for the session 2021-2022 (30.8.2021) |
646. | 16/08/2021 | Revsied Admission schedule for UG courses 2021-22 |
647. | 11/08/2021 | last date extended for filling up admission forms (UG) |
648. | 10/08/2021 | Fit India Freedom Run |
649. | 10/08/2021 | Rendering of National Anthem |
650. | 10/08/2021 | Regarding suspension of attendance for the academic session 2020-21 |
651. | 09/08/2021 | NEP-2020: Open Discussion Session on Research, Innovation and Ranking. |
652. | 09/08/2021 | Admission Schedule for PG Courses for the session 2021-2022 |
653. | 09/08/2021 | Admission Schedule for UG Courses for the session 2021-2022 |
654. | 30/07/2021 | Schedule - NEP 2020 |
655. | 29/07/2021 | Regarding submission of documents (audited consolidated Utilization Certificate for settlement of accounts under SAP scheme |
656. | 28/07/2021 | Schedule of NEP Event to be held on 29.07.2021 |
657. | 27/07/2021 | Circular regarding Vaccination status of students |
658. | 23/07/2021 | Urgent/ Time Bound Notice regarding to provide mobile number of faculty as well as dealing offcial. |
659. | 14/07/2021 | German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) |
660. | 13/07/2021 | Three Hour Workshop on Protection of Women from SexualHarassment at Workplace Act, |
661. | 25/06/2021 | Academic Job Portal at UGC Website |
662. | 21/06/2021 | Circular regarding shortage of attendance for even semester. |
663. | 15/06/2021 | Engineering Innovation Challenge (EIC) 2021. |
664. | 15/06/2021 | Minutes of Standing Committee reg. implementation of policies and programmes of GOI, UGC and State Govt. for SC and ST. |
665. | 15/06/2021 | Youth Webinar-Business Yoga from Bhagavad Gita-On the Eve of Yoga Day. |
666. | 09/06/2021 | Suggestions/Comments regarding blended mode of teaching-concept note |
667. | 09/06/2021 | Suggestions/Comments regarding blended mode of teaching |
668. | 03/06/2021 | Three Hour workshop on protection of Women from Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act, 2013. |
669. | 27/05/2021 | Advertisiement for 3 posts of Junior Technician (G-III) |
670. | 27/05/2021 | Regarding Registration for Award on Taxonomy 2020 - |
671. | 24/05/2021 | Renewal Cases under Haryana State Merit Scholarship |
672. | 21/05/2021 | Circular regarding M.Phil & Ph.D Entrance Test 2021 |
673. | 21/05/2021 | Circular Regarding Full Bright-Nehry and Fullbright Kalam Postdoc. Res.Fellowship |
674. | 19/05/2021 | Contact numbers of dealing officials enganged in admission processs for the session 2021-2022 |
675. | 07/05/2021 | UGC Notification - Offline exams be kept in abeyance in may 2021 |
676. | 29/04/2021 | COVID SOP |
677. | 09/04/2021 | Circular regarding Guest/Temporary Faculty workload. |
678. | 05/04/2021 | Circular to report COVID-19 positive cases to Chairpersons/HODs immediately through e-mail. |
679. | 01/04/2021 | Original Hindi Book Writing Award Scheme on "Culture" for the calendar years 2019 and 2020-regarding. |
680. | 24/03/2021 | Virtual CME Reg. Animal Models in Health and Disease (Sunday, 11th April, 2021) by PGIMER, Chandigarh. |
681. | 19/03/2021 | Regarding short term Indian faculty secondment to Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok. |
682. | 19/03/2021 | Cicular regarding AIU Collaboration Portal |
683. | 17/03/2021 | Circular regarding Postgraduate Final Semester Students |
684. | 15/03/2021 | Circular Regarding prerequisites for Cancellation of Ph.D. Registration |
685. | 10/03/2021 | Reminder regarding HBI-2021 |
686. | 10/03/2021 | Celebration of India's 75 years of independence |
687. | 09/03/2021 | Celebration of India's 75 years of Independence |
688. | 05/03/2021 | Regarding Celebration of International Women’s Day (IWD)-2021. |
689. | 22/02/2021 | International Matribhasha Diwas |
690. | 16/02/2021 | Nominations invited for Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prize for Science and Technology 2021. |
691. | 12/02/2021 | Circular regarding shortage of attendance. |
692. | 02/02/2021 | Revised Guidelines for holding online/virtual Conferences/Seminars/Trining, etc. |
693. | 29/01/2021 | Circular Regarding maintenance of Lab Equipments |
694. | 27/01/2021 | Data of admitted students in the session 2020-21 |
695. | 14/01/2021 | Proposal for Book Writing in Hindi Language for UG/Polytechnics courses as per AICTE's Model curriculum. |
696. | 14/01/2021 | To immediately install CCTV cameras in those Departments, where Heritage furniture is avaialable. |
697. | 30/12/2020 | Admission form for M.Phil Course for the session 2020-2021 |
698. | 30/12/2020 | Notice regarding Admission Schedule to Ph.D/ M.Phil courses for the session 2020-2021 |
699. | 29/12/2020 | Regarding Board of Control for the Year 2021 |
700. | 29/12/2020 | Regarding 2nd installment of tuition fee for 1st semester students- Revised |
701. | 29/12/2020 | Reminder regarding Departmental Committees for the Year 2021 |
702. | 24/12/2020 | No Winder Break in PU Departments/Regional Centres 2020-21 |
703. | 18/12/2020 | All Chairperson Meeting to be held on 28.12.2020 |
704. | 14/12/2020 | Celeberating 71-years of Constitution of India |
705. | 14/12/2020 | FEE STRUCTURE FOR 1st and 2nd SEMESTER (1st year) - SESSION 2020-2021 |
706. | 11/12/2020 | Regarding formation of Departmental Committees for the Year 2021 |
707. | 11/12/2020 | Regarding Board of Control for the Year 2021 |
708. | 10/12/2020 | Circular regading 2nd Installment of Tuition fee to be charged from newly admitted students for the session 2020-2021 |
709. | 03/12/2020 | Circular regarding financial subsidy to teachers/employees |
710. | 27/11/2020 | Online Lecture on Fundamental rights and duties by Hon'ble Justice Suryakant on 29.11.20 at 11.50 am |
711. | 27/11/2020 | UGC communication regarding Revision of Social Work Curriculum based onLOCF |
712. | 27/11/2020 | Minutes of All Chairperson Meeting held on 24.10.20 |
713. | 27/11/2020 | Regarding Action taken by the Chairpersons of the minutes dated 24.10.2020 |
714. | 26/11/2020 | Extension of last date of admission |
715. | 20/11/2020 | Rules, regulations and procedures for award of M.phil PhD degree |
716. | 17/11/2020 | Interchangeability & Transfer of Seats. |
717. | 05/11/2020 | Regarding Research Journals |
718. | 03/11/2020 | circular regarding instruction to be followed by the Teaching Departments concerning Admission to PG courses fo the session 2020-2021 |
719. | 03/11/2020 | circular regarding category / weightages |
720. | 03/11/2020 | Registration for Workshop organized by Mahatama Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration |
721. | 30/10/2020 | Fee structure for PG Courses (new admission) for the session 2020-2021 |
722. | 23/10/2020 | Revised Admission schedule for LL. B Three Year for the session 2020-2021 |
723. | 22/10/2020 | Admission Schedule for PG Courses for the Academic Session 2020-2021 |
724. | 19/10/2020 | Admission Criteria for Admission to Various PG courses for the session 2020-2021 |
725. | 07/10/2020 | Nomination for eminent scientists and technologists for the Post of Director for CSIR-IITR Lucknow |
726. | 30/09/2020 | Extension of last date of filling of online admission form upto 15.10.2020 |
727. | 24/09/2020 | Circular regarding COVI-19 SOP |
728. | 24/09/2020 | Notice Regarding Suspension of Financial Subsity for attending conferences |
729. | 24/09/2020 | Circular regardding guidelines/instrcutions for evaluation of answersheets and others |
730. | 24/09/2020 | Information to be provided to DIT |
731. | 24/09/2020 | Webinar on National Education Policy 2020-21 |
732. | 18/09/2020 | Suspension of financial Subsidy to teachers or employees |
733. | 18/09/2020 | Experts in Indian Studies & Indian Languages for depuation to Chair abroad |
734. | 16/09/2020 | Circular - pattern for attemting question paper |
735. | 14/09/2020 | To Maintain outgoing students' Data and to upload Programme Specific outcomes and Course Outcomes |
736. | 11/09/2020 | Circular Regarding Issuance of Compliance Certificate to Ph.D. holders |
737. | 11/09/2020 | MAKA Trophy felicitation programme on 11.9.2020 |
738. | 08/09/2020 | Circular for final semester examinations |
739. | 08/09/2020 | Conduct of online Viva-Voce/presentation etc. for final semester examinations (Undergraduate/Postgraduate/vocational/diploma/ etc. September, 2020 . |
740. | 08/09/2020 | Instructions for Colleges |
741. | 08/09/2020 | Conduct of undergraduate/postgraduate (final semester) September, 2020 |
742. | 08/09/2020 | Date- Sheet for B.Sc. (Hons.) Bioinformatics/Biotechnology |
743. | 08/09/2020 | Date-sheet for Bachelor of Computer Applications (B.C.A) |
744. | 08/09/2020 | Date-sheet for Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) |
745. | 08/09/2020 | Date sheet for B COM. 6th Semester General Honours |
746. | 08/09/2020 | Date- Sheet for the B.A./B.Sc. (General) (Exam Code: 0006 )&B.A./B.Sc. (Honours) |
747. | 25/08/2020 | Date of filling of online admission form for PG extended upto 30.09.2020 |
748. | 21/08/2020 | Reg New Education Policy 2020 |
749. | 19/08/2020 | Nomination for Vishwa Gujarati Samaj |
750. | 14/08/2020 | Admission schedule for UG course |
751. | 14/08/2020 | Circular |
752. | 13/08/2020 | Reg - Online Classes |
753. | 11/08/2020 | Circular - Regarding Promotion, Examination, Admission of USOL students |
754. | 11/08/2020 | Circular - Transfer of students on Medical ground |
755. | 11/08/2020 | Cicular - Ongoing classes, Promotion, fees |
756. | 06/08/2020 | Extension of date for filling of admission form of PG courses |
757. | 30/07/2020 | Admission and time table |
758. | 27/07/2020 | Admission form for Ongoing Classes for session 2020-21. |
759. | 27/07/2020 | Project Thesis Work of U.G. and P.G. Courses |
760. | 13/07/2020 | Reg: Admission to various courses for the Academic Session 2020-21 |
761. | 07/07/2020 | Intercation with Chairpersons on 09.07.2020 and 10.07.2020 (through WebEx) |
762. | 04/06/2020 | Circular : Internal Assessment |
763. | 02/06/2020 | Annexure - A with Circular |
764. | 14/05/2020 | urgent notice |
765. | 14/05/2020 | Reg; Mobile number of department's officials dealing admission |
766. | 22/04/2020 | Webniar |
767. | 21/04/2020 | ROTARY CLUB |
768. | 21/04/2020 | GMSH-16 |
769. | 21/04/2020 | PGI-12 |
770. | 13/04/2020 | Reg : online classes |
771. | 13/04/2020 | To instruct the sweepers Cleaners residing in P.U. Campus (Sector 14 and 25) to report daily |
772. | 13/04/2020 | To Conduct One Day Seminar Conference Workshop through online mode |
773. | 13/04/2020 | Circular |
774. | 11/04/2020 | Covid-19 |
775. | 09/04/2020 | Webinar Online Campus Placements during Covid-19 Pandemic on 10.4.2020 Time 11.30 a.m. - 12.30 pm |
776. | 30/01/2020 | Maintenance of Stock register regarding usage of ACID |
777. | 15/01/2020 | Dates of Various Entrance Tests of Panjab University in 2020 |
778. | 30/12/2019 | Reg Verification of medical certifidates of students |
779. | 30/12/2019 | SC ST representative in all the admission committees |
780. | 26/11/2019 | Inviting proposals for starting new courses for the session 2020-21 |
781. | 21/11/2019 | Departmental committee and BOC |
782. | 06/09/2019 | Extension of Last date for admission upto 11.09.2019 |
783. | 03/09/2019 | Extension of Last date for admission to various courses |
784. | 31/08/2019 | Reg Medical Examination |
785. | 30/08/2019 | Anti-Ragging measures for implemention in all the Teaching Departments/Centres/Institutes including Regional/Rural Centres. |
786. | 24/07/2019 | Circular regarding counselling in all Departments/Centres/Institutes |
787. | 03/07/2019 | Extension of Last date for Online Admission Form |
788. | 02/07/2019 | ONE PAGE NOTE - Reminder 3 |
789. | 26/06/2019 | ONE PAGE NOTE - Reminder |
790. | 17/06/2019 | Login IDs and password for admissions |
791. | 17/06/2019 | Reg : Start of New courses |
792. | 29/04/2019 | Rules for condonation of lectures - blood donation camp |
793. | 25/04/2019 | Minutes of the meeting of the Chairpersons of all Teaching Departments, held on April 9, 2019. |
794. | 24/04/2019 | Information with regard to filled-up seats under NRI/Foreign National Categories. |
795. | 04/04/2019 | Rules for condonation of lectures for attendance |
796. | 22/03/2019 | Minutes of the meeting of all Chairpersons, held on March 7, 2019. |
797. | 05/02/2019 | Minutes of the meeting of all Chairpersons, held on January 22, 2019. |
798. | 29/01/2019 | Circular regarding NET qualified result in respect of Ph.D. enrolment |
799. | 16/01/2019 | Minutes of the meeting of all Chairpersons, held on December 24, 2018 |
800. | 07/12/2018 | Minutes of the meeting of all Chairpersons, held on November 15-16, 2018. |
801. | 03/12/2018 | Revised Rule for condonation of lectures alongwith the revised proforma |
802. | 14/11/2018 | Rules for condonation of lectures for attendance |
803. | 13/11/2018 | Circular regarding shortage of attendance |
804. | 24/09/2018 | Proforma : No of students admitted in session 2018-19 |
805. | 10/09/2018 | Revised Admission Schedule of M.Phil & Ph.d alongwith admission form for Ph.D |
806. | 04/09/2018 | Admission Form |
807. | 31/08/2018 | M.Phil and Ph.D admission 2018 |
808. | 31/08/2018 | Extension of last date of admission |
809. | 29/08/2018 | Circular reg. students issues |
810. | 29/08/2018 | Circular regarding finalizing dates for Seminars/Conferences/Seminars/Symposia, etc. |
811. | 23/08/2018 | Circular regarding dak. |
812. | 23/08/2018 | To attend to all representations of students. |
813. | 20/08/2018 | Circular for Science Departments |
814. | 02/08/2018 | Doctoral, Post Doctoral and Senior Fellowships from ICSSR, MHRD New Delhi |
815. | 11/07/2018 | Check Merit Logic |
816. | 11/07/2018 | Last date for PG Course extended |
817. | 11/07/2018 | Revised Admission Schedule for PG courses |
818. | 28/06/2018 | SC/ST faculty representative, as a special invitee, in the Admission Committee. |
819. | 28/06/2018 | Summary of meeting of all Chairpersons, held on May 28, 2018. |
820. | 22/06/2018 | New guidelines for Additional seat for Border Area Students |
821. | 11/06/2018 | Refresher Course on Cooperative Policy and Development |
822. | 21/05/2018 | Minutes of the meeting of all Chairpersons of Departments, held on April 12, 2018 |
823. | 21/05/2018 | UGC letter regarding observance of Anti Terrorism Day on 21st May, 2018 |
824. | 16/05/2018 | Scheme for the Award of Scholarships l ear 1018-19 |
825. | 09/05/2018 | For finalizing HBI 2018 |
826. | 19/04/2018 | For finalizing the final proof - HBI 2018 |
827. | 27/03/2018 | Summary of meeting of all Chairpersons, February 8, 2018. |
828. | 27/02/2018 | A specimen of Department for appointing Teacher Mentor for Students. |
829. | 09/02/2018 | Summary of meeting of all Chairpersons, held on October 11, 2017. |
830. | 25/01/2018 | Summary of meeting of all Chairpersons, held on November 13, 2017 |
831. | 18/01/2018 | Information regarding M.Phil Ph.D |
832. | 16/01/2018 | Application format to be filed-in by the students, who enrolled for Ph.D. progrmme after July, 2009 for verification alongwith format of certificate. |
833. | 13/12/2017 | Advisory Committee 2018 |
834. | 13/12/2017 | Board of Control 2018 |
835. | 20/11/2017 | Condonation of Lectures - Proforma |
836. | 08/11/2017 | Online Attendance training on 18.11.2017 |
837. | 08/11/2017 | online training scheduled on 11.11.2017 |
838. | 21/10/2017 | Reg : Admission to M.Phil & Phd programme |
839. | 18/10/2017 | Admission Process (Criteria) of M.Phil. ph.D programme |
840. | 11/10/2017 | 6th foundation day on 12.10.2017 - a special lecture by Nobel Laureate Shri Kailash Satyarthi Ji |
841. | 26/09/2017 | Information regarding ST / ST / BC / Foreign Nationals Students in Ph.D |
842. | 26/09/2017 | Reg SC ST candidates having some scholarships or fellowships in M.Phil Phd |
843. | 26/09/2017 | Admission Process (Criteria) of M.Phil./Ph.D. |
844. | 22/09/2017 | Training of Online Attendance Module postponed |
845. | 20/09/2017 | Training of officials for Online Attendance Module on 23.09.2017 |
846. | 28/08/2017 | Admission Notice - M.phil and Ph.D |
847. | 28/08/2017 | Training of Online Attendance Module - to send names of 2 non teaching members |
848. | 25/08/2017 | Regarding - Admission Schedule |
849. | 19/08/2017 | Ph.d slots |
850. | 16/08/2017 | Summary of meeting of all Chairpersons of Departments, held on 21.7.2017. |
851. | 08/08/2017 | New India Manthan - Pledge on 09.08.2017 at 9.30 AM |
852. | 04/08/2017 | Notice for NRI Admission 2017 |
853. | 27/07/2017 | Revised Schedule for online Admission |
854. | 18/07/2017 | Attendance Rules |
855. | 14/07/2017 | To make the University vehicle free |
856. | 08/07/2017 | Reg: Revised date of filling up of online admission Form |
857. | 06/07/2017 | For Any Querry - Contact - Faculty wise members |
858. | 30/06/2017 | Modification in the Admission Form - courses online through CRISP |
859. | 30/06/2017 | Reg : Online verification of Academic Credentials |
860. | 29/06/2017 | Ph.D guidelines 2017 |
861. | 29/06/2017 | Certificate for Backward Classes - Latest |
862. | 05/06/2017 | Summary of the meeting of Chairpersons dated May 30, 2017. |
863. | 02/06/2017 | MoM of all Chairpersons dt. 16.5.17 |
864. | 24/05/2017 | Academic Calendar of University Business School. |
865. | 24/05/2017 | Circular regarding Academic Calendar of July-December, 2017 Semester. |
866. | 24/05/2017 | Academic Calendar of University Business School 2017 |
867. | 05/05/2017 | Reg information of Guest Faculty and Research Scholars |
868. | 04/05/2017 | Classes of 3rd/5th/7th/9th Semesters shall commence from 10th July, 2017 (Monday). |
869. | 02/05/2017 | Summary of meeting of Chairpersons of all Teaching Departments, held on April 3, 2017. |
870. | 20/04/2017 | Reg Students belonging to EWS can apply to COE for concession in Examination Fee |
871. | 29/03/2017 | Meeting Notice of Chairpersons of all Teaching Departments, Deans of Faculties and other Deans, under the Chairmanship of Vice Chancellor, will be held on 3.4.2017 at 11.00 a.m. in Senate Hall, PU. |
872. | 22/03/2017 | Regarding Study Tour/Educational Tour |
873. | 22/03/2017 | Admission of NRIs and Foreign Nationals for the session 2017-18. |
874. | 22/03/2017 | Admission of Foreign Nationals to Ph.D. Programme. |
875. | 27/02/2017 | MOST URGENT : Reg Ph.D M.Phil students on roll |
876. | 30/01/2017 | Summary of Chairpersons/Directors/Coordinators of all Teaching Departments/Centres/Institutes, and C |
877. | 30/01/2017 | Shortage of attendance - Even Semester 2017 alongwith revised proforma |
878. | 12/01/2017 | Format of Acadeic Calendar UBS |
879. | 12/01/2017 | Reg : To sensitize students for attending classes practicals and to firm up the Academic Calender by 20.1.2017 |
880. | 12/01/2017 | Note on education system and salaries for academia in India. |
881. | 16/12/2016 | To organise National/International Seminars/Symposia/Workshops, etc. on short notice. |
882. | 14/12/2016 | Reg : To brief students regarding rules and norms for condonation of lectures |
883. | 14/12/2016 | Ph.D Viva to be conducted on working days only |
884. | 14/12/2016 | 10% relief to the students who are falling short of attendance |
885. | 28/11/2016 | Reg : Condonation of Shortage of lectures |
886. | 04/11/2016 | Regarding appointment of Guest Faculty |
887. | 04/11/2016 | departmental committee - to be submitted upto 18.11.16 |
888. | 26/10/2016 | Nominations for GOI, Ministry of HRDs Teaching innovator-2016 Award |
889. | 21/10/2016 | Nation Salutes Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel from October 31--November 6, 2016 |
890. | 19/10/2016 | Unique Identification Authority of India will be organizing special camps at Panjab University |
891. | 07/10/2016 | Certificate for the award of degree to the candidates registered for Ph.D prior to 11th July 2009. |
892. | 07/10/2016 | Certificate for the award of degree to the candidates registered for Ph.D. after 11th July, 2009 |
893. | 05/10/2016 | Appointment of Guest Faculty for even semester starting from December, 2016/January, 2017. |
894. | 03/10/2016 | Lecture to be delivered by renowed Gandhian Dr. Ela Bhatt Ji, classes suspended from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm on 03.10.2016 |
895. | 29/09/2016 | Minutes of Meeting of all Chairpersons dated 15.09.2016 |
896. | 26/09/2016 | Reg: Post facto sanction and travel by Non Air India Airlines |
897. | 26/09/2016 | Extension of date of payment of Examination Fee and exemption of Exam fee to the needy students |
898. | 21/09/2016 | Reg : To send One time communication by Ordinary Post to all the parents of the candidates |
899. | 13/09/2016 | Appointment of Guest Faculty - Norms and Format |
900. | 09/09/2016 | Chairpersons' meeting re-scheduled on 15.09.2016 at 11.00 AM - Senate Hall |
901. | 06/09/2016 | Meeting Notice - Chairperson's meeting to be held on 13/9/2016 at 3.00 PM (Senate Hall) |
902. | 05/09/2016 | M.Phil Course Session 2016-17 - Schedule, Form & Name of the departments having M.Phil |
903. | 22/08/2016 | Mass Singing of National Anthem at 11.00 AM on 23.08.2016 |
904. | 16/08/2016 | Circular - Proof of Identity is MUST for those who visits PU campuses (Sector 14 & 25) |
905. | 16/08/2016 | Circular - Leave account of teaching and Non teaching to be sent to Audit Branch |
906. | 09/08/2016 | Circular : Reg start of teaching for 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th students from 18.07.16 |
907. | 09/08/2016 | Circular regarding time table of odd semester |
908. | 01/08/2016 | Second Counseling for admission to MCA Courses being run at the DCSA, PU, PURC, Muktsar and PURC, Hoshiarpur for the admissions of Session 2016 -2017. |
909. | 13/07/2016 | Provisional Merit List - Library Info. Science- Bachelor in Lib.Sci & Information |
910. | 13/07/2016 | SAIF - M.Tech (Instrumentation) -Waiting list will start from 15.7.16 |
911. | 13/07/2016 | Anthropology - M.Sc. (HS) Waiting list will start from 15.07.16 (10.00 AM onwards) |
912. | 13/07/2016 | IETVE - Waiting list will start from 15.07.2016 (10.00 am onwards) - B.A. B.Ed. |
913. | 13/07/2016 | ISSER - Waiting list of the candidate will start from 15.07.2016 (10.00 AM onwards) |
914. | 12/07/2016 | Tentative merit list - Chemistry - M.Sc. (HS) Chemistry |
915. | 12/07/2016 | Tentative Merit List Released for First Semester of Post Graduate Courses in Social Sciences, Humanities & Languages for the Academic Session 2016-17. |
916. | 12/07/2016 | Provisional Merit List of Candidates MCA-2016 |
917. | 12/07/2016 | Tentative Merit list - Human Genome - M.Sc. |
918. | 12/07/2016 | Provisional Merit list - M.A. - Education |
919. | 12/07/2016 | Provisional Merit list - M.Ed. General - Education |
920. | 12/07/2016 | Tentative merit list - System Biology & Bioinformatics |
921. | 12/07/2016 | Provisional Merit list - Environmental Studies - M.Sc. |
922. | 12/07/2016 | Provisional Merit list - SAIF - M.Tech (Instrumentation) |
923. | 12/07/2016 | Tentative merit list of Biotechnology Department - M.Sc. (Hons. School) |
924. | 12/07/2016 | Provisional Merit list - UIET Department - M.E. /M.Tech courses |
925. | 11/07/2016 | Tentative merit list of Medical Physics Department - M.Sc. (Hons. School) 1st Sem |
926. | 10/07/2016 | Tentative merit list of Centre for Public Health - Master In Public Health |
927. | 09/07/2016 | Tentative merit list - UICET - M.Sc. / M.Tech / M.E. |
928. | 09/07/2016 | Tentative merit list - M.Sc. (HS) - Zoology |
929. | 09/07/2016 | Tentative merit list - M.Pharma - UIPS |
930. | 09/07/2016 | Tentative merit list - M.Sc. Statistics Semester-I - Department of Statistics |
931. | 09/07/2016 | Tentative merit list - M.Sc. - Department of Microbial Biotechnology |
932. | 09/07/2016 | Tentative merit list - M.Sc. (HS) 1st semester - Mathematics Department |
933. | 09/07/2016 | Provisional Merit List : M.Sc.(Hons) Computer Science-2016(General) - Department of Computer Science and Applications |
934. | 09/07/2016 | Tentative merit list - MA (Community Education and Development) - Department of Community Education and Disability Studies |
935. | 09/07/2016 | Tentative Merit List of M. Sc. (Hons. School) 1st Semester Botany (Session 2016-2017) - Botany Department |
936. | 09/07/2016 | Centre for Stem Cell & Tissue Engineering - M.Sc - Date of admission of waitlisted candidates - 13th July, 2016 (10.00 AM onwards) |
937. | 09/07/2016 | University Institute of Hotel and Tourism Management (UIHTM) - Date of admission of waitlisted candidates - 13th July, 2016 (10.00 AM onwards) |
938. | 09/07/2016 | Economics Department - B.A. (Hons.) - Date of admission of waitlisted candidates - 12th July, 2016 (10.00 AM onwards) |
939. | 09/06/2016 | Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 |